How to file Your Form 990-N (e-Postcard) Online
for current & prior tax years in 3 simple steps

Step 1:
Enter EIN & Review Your Filing History

Our service matches the EIN with a comprehensive index of thousands of nonprofit organizations available in our database and provides you with the filing history by each year. You can then proceed with submitting an 990-N online return for the tax year you haven't yet filed with the IRS.

Step 2:
Select Filing Year & Review Summary

Choose the tax year you need to file with the IRS and then create a filing account with your email address & Review your Form 990-N summary containing basic information like tax year period, organization's name and address, and principal officer's name and address. You can edit your organization's information if there is any change.

Step 3:
Pay & Transmit to the IRS

Enter your credit card information to start the payment process. Making payment through our portal will cost $19.90 and we only charge when you are ready to transmit. Click "Transmit to the IRS" to submit your Form 990-N with the IRS. After successfully transmitting to the IRS, you can download a copy of your payment receipt from the same window. Also you will receive a notification about your Form 990-N filing status once the IRS accepted your return.